Friday, November 19, 2010

Sagada Town Fiesta 2011 Souvenir Program

Dear Subscriber,

Sagada Town Fiesta 2011, with the theme “Nurturing our Common Origin amidst Converging Cultures” will be celebrated on January 29 to February 2, 2011. To make the town fiesta meaningful and remembered, the Fiesta Executive Committee considered coming out with a Souvenir Program to generate funds for some budgeted operations of the festival, athletic equipment and band instruments for the community. Otherwise, donations on the above mentioned equipment and instruments  are also encouraged. Rest assured that donations and subscriptions shall be properly acknowledged. The Souvenir Program will also serve as a documentary of past Sagada Town festivals and celebrations.

In this connection, we are soliciting your support by subscribing to the SAGADA TOWN FIESTA 2011 Souvenir Program. We guarantee you a quality book that will serve you now and the years to come. Below are the subscription rates. Please check the space provided for your subscription.

Back cover                        PhP 8,000.00                         __________
Inside Front Cover             PhP 6,000.00                         __________
Inside back cover               PhP 6,000.00                         __________
One inside whole page        PhP 3,000.00                         __________
One half page                     PhP 2,000.00                         __________
One fourth page                 PhP 1,000.00                          __________
One-Eighth page                PhP   500.00                           __________

Please make checks and bank payments to the Rural Bank of Sagada through any of the following bank accounts: (Please indicate payment is intended for STF 2011)
Philippine National Bank La Trinidad Branch- Savings Account # 1582 1200023
Philippine National Bank ( Bontoc Branch) – Savings Account # 1582 12800049

Payments may also be done through the Sagada Souvenir Program Committee (Claim receipt). Please send email, text message or call any of the following cell phone numbers to inform payment.
Richard A. Yodong ( 09215687155) Kapon Gomgom-o (09078488671)
Gina P. Dizon ( 09206566517) Alma LB Bagano ( 09206115530)

Deadline of submission of subscriptions will be on January 5, 2011. Hard copies of layout maybe submitted through email to any of the following addresses at,, and or hand-carried to the Office of the Sanggunian Bayan c/o SB Kapon Gomgom-o.

We look forward to your continued support. Thank you very much.

Chairman, Souvenir Program Committee
Municipal Councilor


Executive Chairman, STF 2011
Municipal Vice Mayor
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

                                                                          CONTROL NUMBER _________


This is to confirm that I/we subscribed in the Sagada Town Fiesta 2011 Souvenir Program for:
______ Back cover                 ______ One half page
______ Inside Front Cover      ______ One fourth page
______ Inside Back Cover      ______ One eighth page
______ One whole page

(Please claim your receipt as you pay)

________________________                         __________________________
Name and Signature of Subscriber                     Name and Signature of Solicitor

Note: This  solicitation letter was sourced from the Office of the Vice Mayor, Sagada Mountain Province.  

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